10 Februari 2011


second semester almost here, in just a few days! i'm super excited but i don't wanna leave jakarta. ouch! i wish i can move my campus right next to my house :D

i'm collecting surveys about "Jogja, C'est Toi Que J'adore!" (Jogja, It's You That I Adore)

will be post here in a few days ( i hope? ) until i get the maximum result. au revoir :)

17 Januari 2011

please vote me!

I just entered a contest for Summer School full-Scholarship in Montreal, Canada. Feel free to comment, because I really need your opinion of my resume there. Just click to http://joiedemontreal.ca/profile/6866/aisyah-sabrina and click vote! et voila, just one click that can really change my life. Thank you so much! :D have a greatest week


This is my first new year's eve in Jogja, just me and my friends, no family. Different way to celebrate it, but hey... It's not just about the new year, it's also about the NEW YOU! Travel around, feel the lost-in-translations, feel the culture and the atmosphere. I bet you all will have lots of new experience.

Bon, alors. Bonne nouvelle annee 2011 !

11 Desember 2010


well as you all know, jogja is famous for its gudeg and krecek. but you know what? i hardly eat it! but as a tourist, there's one place you should go for try gudeg. i recommend: GUDEG SAGAN! on Jl.Prof.Yohannes. what makes it delicious? they have extra white sauce. and its so good!, especially when you eat it at warm temperature. plus some hot or ice tea to company your gudeg. lovely night :) they open starts from 17.00-22.00 and closes on one day (not weekend, but i forgot what day).

PENDOPO NDALEM. near Tamansari, YK. (around alun-alun and keraton). the foods actually are angkringan foods. pretty affordable and the place is really jogja! just don't go to the toilet :o
i love this "teh rempah" and i took some "nasi kucing and sate udang"

it fits on cold days in jogja.
Jl. Kaliurang Km 6,2 (accross Mirota and SuperIndo)

AlKid (Alun-Alun Selatan/Kidul)
go here at night and travel by this superb-bike! :)

hmm okay, so i wont just post some places you must see when you're here. there are other attitudes that you must obey in here. since i'm also not original from this town, i'm still learning too :) bisous!

28 November 2010

updated from Jogjakarta

weew lama banget ya ga ngeblog disini. i got a tumblr which you can check to http://keepyourdreams.tumblr.com/ :)
so i started a whole new life here in jogja. though i already went back to jakarta twice (first i had lebaran ied fitri there and second i had to back because the unstable circumstances in here due to the volcano eruption of merapi) and now *drum roles* im going to share some pics of places that ive visited here in jogja. :)

ini jogja java carnival. rame banget coy. satu satunya hal yang gue inget cuma BUANYAK BUANGGET komunitas fotografi dengan kamera mereka yang super kece. envy parah

nah oke dua ini di affandi. mangstap ye? keren deh. salut sama AFFANDI! kalo ke jogja musti ke sini ya. ini di jalan solo deket ambarukmo plaza ko, gampang deh nyarinya huehe.

sebenernya ini koleksi di sonobudoyo tapi gue ngeliatnya pas lagi ada festival museum di benteng vredeburg.

oke agak sedikit narsis ya.. tapi ini di sonobudoyo I, deket alun-alun utara.
koleksinya bagus dan terkonsep dengan rapi. sayangnya yg pake ac cuma di ruang koleksi yang depan doang. mungkin karena yang di belakang banyaknya kain, keris gitu kali ya makanya gada ac. tapi panas banget loh ya bok -.-
dan tour guidenya cuma ada pagi.
tapi dengan bangga, bule-bule pada seneng banget ke sini (sebenernya jogjanya sih :p)

tempat-tempat ini adalah objek tugas saya! saya bangga jadi warga FIB UGM :)

next.. ini tempat iseng2 yang didatengin :)

sama temen kos di Pantai Depok. malem banget nyampe sininya, tapi tidak mengurangi nafsu kami untuk makan seafood!
enaknya disini bisa beli seafood mentahan yang masih seger banget, terus bisa minta dimasakin juga :) tempatnya deket Pantai Parangtritis, sekitar 45-60 menit dari Jogja.

oke ini sirkus di alun-alun utara. cuma 2 jam, seru sih, banyak yang keren, tapi standard bok. (berasa udah pernah nonton sirkus di luar negeri :p)
dan yang aneh dari nonton ini adalah...
selesai dari sini gue jatoh keseleo. absolutely ridiculuous.

entah patung apa ini yang jelas ini dibuat kayak dari kertas gitu.
ini gue temuin di benteng vredeburg, kalo sekarang... kayaknya udah gada lagi deh

ini es kelapa muda di raminten (daerah kota baru) gelasnya gede banget kayak aquarium ikan, kalo gue sih harus minum ini ber-2 baru abis. ga boong deh banyaknya.
harganya cocok untuk anak kosan di awal bulan, karena masih bisa hemat dan nabung buat bulan depan :)

guess who? it's Andien! yepp kemaren sempet nonton Discover Indonesia, acaranya anak FEB UGM. it was fun! tapi sayangnya ga boleh jejingkrakan karena ini di GSP. padahal ada Sandy Sandhoro yang bikin kita pengen joget!

berenang di casa grande (di ruko casa grande terus masuk lagi) biarpun ngeluarin kocek 10ribu tapi worth untuk bersih karena bersih buanggets dan teduh jadi ga item amat! sayangnya kurang gede aja karena bukan olympic size dan kurang dalem (cuma sekitar 160).

pertanyaan temen gue pas liat foto ini "ini tangan apa paha?" anjrit. gue emang gemuk.
iseng iseng mendonorkan darah di F.Psi :)

ramen di nikkou ramen, monjali! saya pesan chicken ramen+extra nori = 10.000
gurih, uenak, dan yang penting porsinya banyak :)

mesjid kampus tercinta :) emang keren dan megah banget

daaaan sedikit kenarsisan di kampus bersama teman-teman sanggar dan sejurusan (oke, ini sebenernya aib banget)

ppsmb yang sangat melelahkan tapi sangat menyenangkan
karena bersama kalian semua
mwakakakak gombal abis

yang ini ignore aja. cuma buat lucu lucu an, maaf ya nino hehe
tapi orangnya asli ketakutan karena ini banci beneran

ini ketua saya, namanya Ilyas.
kalo yang kecil itu anak kami berdua.
ga lah canda

ini homoan kelas gue. emang asli homo hahaha

ini homo yang di atas yang sebelah kiri

IPIN (bima) lagi mau pinjem Android Galaxy barunya UPIN (nasrul)
ah sayang mei mei lagi ga ada di sini :p

tidur di kelas emang enak banget ya din ? :)

nah ini emang homo kelas gue.
hmm sebenernya ga homo sih tapi nyeleneh banget orangnya, jadi ya gini deh efeknya.

halo grammaire :) permudahkan kami yaaaaa

nanti kapan kapan kalo sempet aku post lagi deh hihii. assalamualaikum

30 Juni 2010

revenge is not always the answer

a few months ago i got this problem. i was rage about it, felt like everything is not fair. all the moves you did, yet there are no feedback.

then i made a talk. call me an anger, i am. i said i never like what you did, what you have said, and what you have done. it's ruining our family and it hurts too much.

but then i know that this problem could never be solved.

though you said you did that coincidentally, or whatever. what you did is what matters. you tried to put all the pieces together. but what is done, it can't be undone.

so, goodbye friend. i wish i never know you in my life

17 April 2010


whoaaa i'm so glad that April's almost over, and i don't have any exams waiting for me :) that's what i love the most. and i promise to be back if i got some good news, and yeeessss! i have good news :) i got in Gadjah Mada University, taking French Literature. just like i always imagine. so yeaaa, im moving to jogja :DDDD

hope you'll get the best for you all :))

04 April 2010

updates !

hey hey heeeeyy! i haven't been around for like a couple of months? wohooo. this past 3 months has been the busiest month ever. i don't know if sometimes i could still wasting my time (huh?) but yea, lots of things to do and exams are waiting and so does my future! my graduation announcement will be in 2 weeks and so does my university announcement. i just hope for the best, amiin.

so you know? i just realized that there are too many genius people in this world, or they're just too dumb? well who knows anyway! hahaa. i was just wondering that so, oh i miss blogging a lot! :))

i'm planning to go outside indonesia, and using my passport for the first time! hahaha. i have my passport since 2007 but haven't got any chance to use it. i made it for applying a high school in singapore, but i didn't get it so.. yea, i hope this time i can go, because i never been out of indonesia before!!! hahaaa i'm so excited :))

have a wonderful life! xoxo

24 Januari 2010

another quick post :)

hey im baaaack, its been a long, very long time. dont so much time to write here, eh? but i do really promise, i'll write again if this crazy months passed! which means, around may or so :) mau uan, simak, pbos. hehee. mohon doanya yaa! semoga 2010 dimana pun lo, SMA SMP ato SD lulus semua yaaa amiiin. kita banggakan orang tua kita dengan menjadi yang terbaik! :)

cheer up, and good luck to you all ^^